Alec Butterfield is a 20-year-old photographic artist based in Spearfish, South Dakota, focusing on lifestyle/adventure photography and other forms such as architecture and fine art photography. He is attending Black Hills State University in Spearfish, South Dakota, and double majoring in photography and graphic design.

He has dreams of becoming a cinematographer and studio photographer. Alec currently works for Sprockets Fun Foundry and Rush Mountain Adventure Park creating advertisements and designs, he is also chief photographer for BHSU’s PONDER magazine.


The photos I take draw inspiration from my life and the experiences I have obtained from different adventures. I want to capture these experiences for people to go back and look at and relive the intense feelings they had during the act.

When photographing commercially I still try to tell a story to communicate the brand image to the consumer and capture the core aspect that makes each product and company special. Focusing on what type of person a product is trying to reach and catering my photography to sell to that person.
(605) 391-0101